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Programming Style

Each programmer has their own style of writing. Good programming style makes the code easy to understand, not only for other people but also the programmer himself. There are several components of good style:

Naming Conventions

By default, when placing new controls on a form, Visual Basic will name them Commmand1, Command2, Command3... (or label1, text1, etc). A large application might need to use more than 30 different command buttons in total, but without meaningful names it is difficult for the programmer to remember what command28 is for. Thus, as soon as a new control is added to a project it is good practice to rename it. As well as controls, variables and subroutines should also be given names which the programmer can identify easily. Not only are meaningful names encouraged, but also Microsoft encourages programmers to use various prefixes to identify the type of object. The first table below lists the prefixes for variable data types and the second table lists prefixes for control types.

Variable Data Type Prefix Example
Boolean bln blnFull
Byte byt bytDaysInMonth
Currency cur curPoundsSterling
Date (Time) dtm dtmStart
Double dbl dblAstronomicalDistances
Integer int intNumberOfEmployees
Long lng lngProfits
Single sgl sgl
String str strSurname
User-Defined Type udt udtStaffDetails
Variant vnt vntChartData

Control Type Prefix Example
Animated button ani aniEmptying
Check box chk chkWriteOnly
Combo box cbo cboLanguage
Command button cmd cmdCancel
Common Dialog dlg dlgSave
Data Contol dat datStock
Data-bound Combo dbcbo dbcboActicleType
Data-bound Grid dbgrd dbgrdStockItems
Data-bound List box dblst dblstAccountCodes
Directory list box dir dirTarget
Drive list box drv drvSource
File list box fil filPick
Form frm frmMainMenu
Frame fra frmPrinters
Graph gra graSharePrices
Grid grd grdQuantities
Horizontal Scroll Bar hsb hsbHueColor
Image img imgBitMap
Label lbl lblHelpUser
List Box lst lstColorCodes
MCI mci mciSoundEffects
MDI Child Form mdi mdiJuly
Menu mnu mnuFileOpen
MS Tab mst mstDays
OLE ole oleExcel
Picture Box pic picMemoryLeft
ProgressBar prg prgConverting
Report rpt rptEndofYear
RichTextBox rtf rtfDiary
Shape shp shpSquare
Slider sld sldWindSpeed
Spin button spn spnTicketsRequired
StatusBar sta staInformation
Text Box txt txtInputText
Timer tmr tmrStartAlarmCount
Vertical Scroll Bar vsb vsbRatios

Note: Control names are used for referring to specific controls at run time, do not confuse these with control properties such as ‘text’ and ‘caption’.

Indented and properly spaced code

Indenting is used to visually improve the layout of a program. Indenting shows which lines are subordinate to other lines. For example, all the lines which make up the body of a loop should be indented. In the following example there is a nested repeating structure (one inside another). Everything inside the first FOR loop (week_no) is indented and then everything inside the second loop (day_no) is indented further. Again each CASE statement is indented between the containing Select Case and End Select keywords.

  For bytWeekNo = 1 To 52
    Print "Week #"; bytWeekNo
    For bytDayNo = 1 To 7
      Select Case bytDayNo
        Case 1
          Print "Sunday"
        Case 2
          Print "Monday"
        Case 3
          Print "Tuesday"
        Case 4
          Print "Wednesday"
        Case 5
          Print "Thursday"
        Case 6
          Print "Friday"
        Case 7
          Print "Saturday"
      End Select
    Next bytDayNo
  Next bytWeekNo

Blank lines can also be inserted between lines of code to break a procedure up into smaller blocks of code.

Documented Code

The first comments to be entered into a Visual Basic program should be a section describing the overall features of the current application. The (general) (declarations) section on the first or main form is a good place for these comments. Information such as the author, date written, any known bugs and the purpose of the application should be listed. This makes the job of any other programmers looking at your code so much easier.


  ' Author     : Simon Wilkinson
  ' Date       : 14.04.1998
  ' Version    : 1.1
  ' Language   : MS Visual Basic 5.0
  ' Purpose    : Demonstrates how to create a grid, set fixed
  '              rows and columns, set individual cells, and
  '              add and delete rows.
  ' Known Bugs : N/A

The above example documents the Grid program example which can be downloaded from the menu. It should be noted that the ‘Language’ line is useful not only to document which version of Visual Basic is being used, but also so that the documentation for all programs (written in any language) can be standardised.

As well as a main comment block at the start of a program, comments should also document complicated or unusual sections of code. Ideally each variable and array should be commented where it is defined so that its function can be easily understood later. There are two ways to document code in VB, the Rem statement and the '. Remarks (Rem) must be on a separate line, but a ' followed by some text can be added to the end of any line. The ' tells VB to ignore all words from this point to the end of the line.


  Dim intSheepNo As Integer     ' Holds the number of black-face sheep


  Rem Centralise the form.
  frmCurrent.Left = (Screen.Width / 2) - (frmCurrent.Width / 2)
  frmCurrent.Top = (Screen.Height / 2) - (frmCurrent.Height / 2)

Cohesive Proceedures

Each procedure should be designed to complete a single task. If a procedure handles too many tasks then its logic can be hard to comprehend and bugs can easily occur.

Minimize Coupling

Parameter passing is good programming practice, but too many parameters and the code again becomes difficult to manage. Proceedures with many parameters are highly coupled, they have lots of links to other procedures. Where possible try to minimize these links. However, global variables should not be used instead!

Minimize data scope where possible

Varaibles and arrays can be accessed by code in different parts of the program. Accessable anywhere is Global. This sounds ideal, but without care strange side effects can occur where code in other parts of a program ‘mess about with’ the contents of a variable by mistake. Restricting the access range, or scope, of a variable or array can solve this problem. An intermediate scope is access to a variable throughout a single module. This means any procedure in the module can access the variable, but procedures in other modules are denied access. And the most restricted scope is local. These are variables and arrays which can only be accessed from within the subroutine in which they were defined; even other subroutines within the same module cannot access these variables.

Where possible limit scope as much as possible. For more information about this please read variable scope.
