Finite Control Volume – Conservation of Mass and Linear Momentum  (translating CV)



Key Concept:  Conservation of mass and conservation of linear momentum with a nondeformable, control volume translating in a straight line at constant speed can be analyzed using the velocity of

the fluid with respect to the velocity of the translating control volume.



In a Nut Shell:   The strategy for both conservation of mass and for conservation of linear momentum

is to replace the absolute fluid velocity, V, with the velocity of the fluid relative to the translating

control volume, W. 


The figure below shows the vector representation of the absolute fluid velocity, V, the absolute

velocity of the control volume, Vcv,  and the velocity of the fluid with respect to the translating

control volume, W.



In steady flow (no change with time),  the equation for conservation of mass with a

translating control volume moving in a straight line at a constant speed is:


                                    ρ W . n dS  =  0


In steady flow (no change with time),  the equation for conservation of linear momentum

with a translating control volume moving in a straight line at a constant speed is:


                                W ρ (W . n ) dS  =  Σ F    



where   ρ is the mass density of the fluid,  n is the unit outer normal to the control surface,  dS  is

the element of area on the control surface,  and  Σ F  is the sum of all forces acting within the

control volume and on the control surface


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