Gear Train Application


Example:  The gear train shown below consists of shafts 1 and 2 connected by gear 1

and gear 2.  An applied torque, TA, causes end A of shaft  1  to rotate thru an angle, φA . 

For the given data, calculate the angle of twist, φA .  Also find the maximum shear stress

developed in each shaft.



Shearing modulus of elasticity, G  = 10 x 106 psi.   Shaft length, L = 100 inches.

The diameter of each shaft is 5 inches.  TA = 5,000 ft lb.  R1 = 4 in,  R2 = 12 in.





Strategy:  Step 1: Determine the torques in each shaft by passing sections in the shafts as

                  shown below.   Let  F  be the force  developed on the gear teeth.





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