Manning's Equation



In a Nut Shell:  Manning's Equations governs Uniform Flow.  It is a semi-empirical

equation relating discharge, Q, X-sectional area, hydraulic radius, and channel slope.


                                         Q  =  (k/n) A RH2/3 So1/2


where      Q  is the discharge (flow rate)  in ft3/sec or in m3/sec

                 k  is a experimentally determined constant  

                 k = 1.0 for metric units and 1.482 for English units

                 n is a roughness coefficient obtained from a table for various channel materials

                 A is the X-sectional area of the liquid (usually water) in the channel in ft2 or in m2

                 RH   is the hydraulic radius of the X-section in ft or in m

                          So  is the slope of the channel



For a rectangular channel the area, A, equals the width, w, of the channel times the

depth, yN, of the channel.  The hydraulic radius, RH, equals the area of the channel

divided by its wetted perimeter.



Because of the exponent for hydraulic radius, solution for channel depth, yN, may require

an iterative scheme given the flow rate, Q, channel slope, So, channel shape, and channel material.

An exception is when the channel is "wide" meaning the width of the channel is substantially

much larger than the depth of the channel.  In this case, the hydraulic radius, RH, reduces to

simply the equilibrium depth, yN, of the channel thus simplifying the calculations.



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