Shearing stress relationships



Key Concepts:  In a viscous fluid shearing stresses will act on each face of a differential element.

The shearing stress relationships may be expressed in differential form.  Each component of

shearing stress depends on the dynamic viscosity, μ, of the fluid.



In a Nut Shell:  For a viscous fluid each face of a fluid element will sustain a shearing stress.  The table below lists the shearing stress on each face.



Shearing Stress Relationships


                 τxy  =    τyx   =  μ(∂u/∂y + ∂v/∂x)


                 τyz  =    τzy   =  μ(∂u/∂z + ∂w/∂y)


                 τzx  =    τxz   =  μ(∂w/∂x + ∂u/∂z)


where   τxy  =    τyx   are the shearing stresses on the x and y-faces of the element


            τyz  =    τzy   are the shearing stresses on the y and z-faces of the element


            τzx  =    τxz   are the shearing stresses on the z and x-faces of the element


            u, v, w  are the components of fluid velocity in the x, y, and z directions


                    μ    is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid


      (∂/∂x ,  ∂/∂y  ,  and   ∂/∂z   are the partial derivatives in the x, y, and z - directions



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