Strategy in the Analysis of Fluid Mechanics using Control Volumes  (continued)


The sample calculations become:



Apply:                ∂/∂t  ∫ ρ dV  +  ∫ ρ V . n dS    =  0

                                  cv              cs


             ∂/∂t  ∫ ρ dV  +  ∫ ρ V . n dS1   +   ∫ ρ V . n dS2    +   ∫ ρ V . n dS3      =  0

                    cv              cs                       cs                         cs


If the flow is steady, then        ∂/∂t  ∫ ρ dV  =  0   i.e. no change with time (flow is established)



Assume the fluid is incompressible.  Then the mass density, ρ, is constant.


Assume the flow across the control surface is uniform (constant across opening).


Then the three remaining terms become:


          ˗   ρV1 A1  +  ρV2 A2  +  ρV3 A3  =  0


Or            ρV1 A1  =   ρV2 A2  +  ρV3 A3           (mass flow in equals mass flow out)


Or              V1 A1  =   V2 A2  +  V3 A3           (volumetric flow in equals volumetric flow out)



Note:  For applications involving conservation of linear momentum, vector terms enter.  So

you will, in general, have x and y- components as part of the calculation including surface

forces and body forces.


Also for conservation of energy, energy is a scalar quantity.    There will be no vector terms.


Click here for applications involving conservation of mass.


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