Torsion of a Circular Bar


In a Nutshell:  Torsion of circular bars is restricted to bars with cross-sections that are

solid circular sections or annular sections. 



Calculation of the polar moment of inertia


Recall from calculus that the polar moment of inertia of a plane circular section is



 J  =    ∫ r2 dA    =       r2 dr    



The two cross-sections of key interest are a circular cross-section or radius, c, and an

annular cross-section with outer radius c2 and inner radius c1.  The table below gives

the polar moment of inertia for these two cross-sections.


  Circular Cross-Section

   J   =  π c4 / 2

  Annular Cross-Section

   J   =  π ( c24  -  c14 ) / 2


The distribution of shear stress is linear for linear-elastic material response. (Figures below)




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