Pressure Variation – Rigid Body Motion



Key Concept:  Fluid can translate and rotate in a container as a "chunk" of fluid.  i.e. If you

accelerate at a constant rate in your car, the surface of the gasoline in the tank slopes.



In a Nut Shell:  A fluid element undergoing rigid body acceleration responds to the pressure

gradient,  del(P) and the body force, γ k.  Rigid body acceleration may be translation or rotation.

 (del is the vector operator   < ∂/∂x, ∂/∂y, ∂/∂z >)  or    del(P)  =  <  ∂P/∂r, (1/r)∂P/∂θ, ∂P/∂z  >

The equation of motion is:   (See figures below.)



-del (P) -  γ k  =  ρ a



In component form:        - ∂P/∂x = ρ ax ,  - ∂P/∂y = ρ ay , - ∂P/∂z = γ  +   ρ az

In component form:           ∂P/∂r = ρrω2,    ∂P/∂θ = 0,         ∂P/∂z = - γ


where  ∂P/∂x  =  pressure gradient in the x-direction,          ∂P/∂r  =  pressure gradient in the r-direction

            ∂P/∂y  =  pressure gradient in the y-direction, (1/r)∂P/∂ θ  =  pressure gradient in the θ -direction

            ∂P/∂z  =  pressure gradient in the z-direction,

                    ρ =  fluid mass density

                    γ =  fluid specific weight     

       ax ,  ay ,  az   =  components of acceleration in the x, y, and z-directions 

       ar ,  a θ ,  az   =  components of acceleration in the r, θ , and z-directions 

                                and gravity is in the   – z – direction


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