Example involving Friction


For the first case, assume the block tends to slide up the plane and construct a

FBD.  Note the directions taken for + x and + y.  Then write the equations of





         ΣFy  =  0            N - P sinθ ˗ Q cosθ  =  0                                                    (1)


         ΣFx  =  0          ˗  F +  P cosθ  ˗  Q sinθ  =  0                                               (2)


So  from eq. 1           N  =   P sinθ  +  Q cosθ 


The maximum value for friction is      Fmax = μs N                                             


So from eq. 1                   F =  μs [P sinθ  +  Q cosθ  ]                                         (3)


Next put eq. 3 and eq. 2  and solve for  P .


                      P  =  Q ( sinθ + μs cosθ ) / (cosθ ˗ μs sinθ ) 


For the prescribed values for  Q, θ, and μs  gives      P = 483 N.      (result)


Next consider the possibility that the block slides down the plane.                    


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