Shear Stress in Beams


Example: * (continued)





 Next calculate the first moment of the area, Q, for locations 2 and 3.  See the figures below.


                       For location 2:                                                     For location 3:




At location 2:   Q  =  A’ybar  =  (2.5)(8)(3.75)   =    75 in3


At location 3:   Q  =  A’ybar  =  (5.0)(8)(2.50)   =    100 in3


Recall:   τ  =  VQ/It    In this example   V  =  2700 lb,  I  =  (1/12)bh3  =  666.66 in4

and  t  =  8 in


So  τ2  =  (2700)(75)/[(666.66)(8)]   =    37.97 psi    =    τ4




      τ3  =  (2700)(100)/[(666.66)(8)]  =  50.63 psi



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