Finite Volume Analysis:   Application of Conservation of Linear Momentum   


Example 2  (continued)   For the given data (as listed below):


                    Vr = 20 ft/sec    r = 8 inches = 2/3 ft,     t = 0.5 inches  =  1/24 ft 


And for water    ρ  =  1.94 slugs/ft3



Step 2

Write the equation for conservation of linear momentum and simplify for known values.  Check for steady flow.  Include the anchoring force, Fy.

Step 3

Solve for desired anchoring force.



For conservation of linear momentum:   d/dt  ∫ ρ V dV  +   ∫ ρ V (Vn) dS  =  Σ F

                                                                        cv               cs

Since the flow is steady the first integral is zero.


Now  V  =  Vr er  = Vr ( sin θ  icos θ j ) where  n = er      so  V ● n  =  Vr erer   =  Vr


Also    Σ F  =  Fx i +  Fy j    and   dS  =   r t


                                      π/2                                                                                  π/2

      ∫ ρ V (Vn) dS  =  ρ ∫ Vr ( sin θ  icos θ j ) Vr  r t  =  ρ (Vr )2 (- sin θ )| r t  j

     cs                             -π/2                                                                                 -π/2


Therefore   Fx  = 0  (note symmetry)  and  Fy  =  - 2 ρ (Vr )2 r t


            Fy  =  - 2 (1.94)  (20 )2 (2/3) (1/24)  =  - 43.11 lb      (result)


Click here for another example.


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