Structures under Combined Loading

Example:  The pipe assembly shown below is subjected to four forces F1, F2, F3, and F4.
Find the normal and shearing stresses for elements A and B at a section of the pipe a
distance of 4 inches from the end.  Element A is at the top center-line of the pipe and
element  B  is on the outer surface along the z-axis.   Also plot the elements at both
locations showing the normal and shearing stresses on each face of the element..

The following data applies:

F1  =  150 lb,  F2  =  200 lb,   F3 =  50 lb,   F4  =  150 lb     a = 4 in,  b  =  6 in,  c  =  10 in.

x-sectional area of pipe  =  0.8 in2 ,   Izz  =  0.3 in4,   J  =  0.6 in4,   Pipe OD = 1.9 in


   Construct a free body diagram of the pipe assembly by cutting the pipe at a
section located distance  a  from the end of the pipe.   Determine the axial force, bending moments, shear force, and torque at that section.   

Next calculate the axial stress using  P/A,  and the bending stress using  σ = Mc/I.  You will
need to combine these stresses appropriately to obtain the total normal stress.  Also calculate
 the shearing stress from torsion using  Tc/J and the shearing stress from transverse shear
using VQ/It.  Combine these stresses to get the total shearing stress.   Show the combined
normal and shearing stresses on elements A and B. 

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