Mohr’s Circle - Stress


Example:  An external torque, TO, and external axial load, PO acts on the circular shaft, ABCD.

Points B and C are at the top of the shaft as shown below.  Find the maximum normal stress in

the shaft at B and C.  The radius of the shaft, c, is 2 inches.  PO = 10 kips.  TO = 10,000 lb in.





Strategy for point C:  Construct a FBD (free body diagram) to determine the internal torque

and axial force at a section of the shaft through C.   Identify the components of normal and

shearing stress on the element at C.   Then construct Mohr’s Circle to determine the principal

stresses at C.


The FBD of the shaft at section C is as follows.



                              Σ Fz =  0   PO    PC  =  0            PC  =  PO


                       →→  Σ Mz  =  0    TO    TC  =  0         TC  =  TO


Element at C:


There are no forces acting on the top face at point C in the shaft.  So all components of

stress are zero.  σy  =  0.  τyz  =  0,  τyx  =  0.  As a result:  τzy  =  0,  τxy  =  0  There is

no axial load in the x-direction so  σx  =  0.



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