Example 3 (continued) – Virtual Work


In vector form     δyB =   L cos θ δθ j     and the external force and moment that do virtual work are   Fs  =  - Fs j     and   MA  =   MA k

Next calculate the force in the spring noting that the value remains constant during a virtual displacement  δθ.

                                 Fs  =  K (extension)  =   K L sin θ   so       Fs  =  - K L sin θ  j  



4. Calculate the dot product of the external forces with the virtual displacements to establish the virtual work performed during the virtual displacement.


       δW  =  Fs  · δyB  +  MA · δθ   =  - Fs j  ·  L cos θ δθ j  +  (  MA k  ·  δθ k  )


                                        δW  =  - K L2 sin θ  cos θ δθ   +  MA  δθ


5. Set the virtual work equal to zero and solve for the desired unknown (or unknowns).

                                               δW  =   0  =  - K L2 cos θ δθ   +  MA  δθ


                                                  [ - K L2 sin θ cos θ  +  MA ] δθ   =   0

Since the virtual displacement, δθ, is arbitrary


      [ - K L2 sin θ cos θ  +  MA ] δθ   =   0     implies that     - K L2 sin θ cos θ  +  MA  =  0


                   sin θ  cos θ  = MA  / K L2   (final result; what are limitations on MA, K, and L ?)


Note:       sin 2θ  = 2 MA  / K L2  


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