Shear Stress in Beams


Example: * (continued)







The maximum shear force is P throughout the beam.  The maximum bending moment is PL.

PL  = P(3)(12)  lb in  =  - 36P  lbin.


Now  τ  = VQ/It  and   σ = Mc/I



For a glued section    Q  =  A’Ybar  =  (2)(4)(2)  =  16 in3   


I  =  (1/12)bh3  =  (1/12)(4)63)  =  72 in4         t   4 in,       V  =  P


τ  =  (P)(16)/(72)(4)  =  (1/18)P  =  50       So  P  =  900 lb


The maximum bending stress occurs at the support on the top and bottom fibers of the beam.


So        σ  = Mc/I  =  (36P)(3)/72  =  1.5P  =  1600 psi       So   P  =  1067 lb


To not exceed the allowable stress,  P  must be the smaller value.   P  =  900 lb   (result)


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