Shear and Bending Moment Diagrams using Relations between Shear

and Bending Moment


*Example:  (continued)


From the boundary conditions (supports at each end), the bending moment is zero at x = 0

and at x = L.  The initial slope of the moment diagram is + 3L/8 at x = 0, drops to zero at

x = 3L/8, and remains at – L/8 from   L/2  ≤ x ≤ L.   


The maximum bending moment occurs when the slope  dM/dx = 0 (@ x = 3L/8 .   

Thus the maximum bending moment is just the area of the triangle ABE, (1/2)(3wL/8)(3/8)L. 

So     Mmax = (9/128)wL2 .  (result)


Since the shear has constant value of  wL/8 from x = L/2 to x = L,  the bending moment

is a straight line with slope – wL/8.  The change of the bending moment from x = L/2 to

x = L is just the area under the shear diagram from x = L/2 to x = L.    This area is just

(– wL/8)(L/2) =  – wL2/16. 


Note:  The moment diagram closes and ends up with a value of zero bending moment at x = L which agrees with the boundary condition at the end of the beam.   This result provides a check

on the moment diagram.






The bending moment at mid span (L/2) is  wL2/16


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