Application of Bernoulli Equation     


Example 1  An inviscid, incompressible liquid flows steadily from the large pressurized

tank shown below.  The speed of the liquid exiting the tank is Vo.  The pressure gage

measures the air pressure in the tank, P1 .




For the given data:  P1 = 10 psig,  d = 5 ft,  e = 10 ft,  Vo  =  40 ft/sec  determine the

specific gravity of the liquid in the tank.


Strategy for solution:


Step 1

Identify (draw) the streamline for application of the Bernoulli equation.

Step 2

Select the datum for the elevation, Z.  Identify points on the streamline and show known values of P, V, and Z.

Step 3

Write the Bernoulli equation between desired points.

Step 4

Solve for desired values.



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