Application of Bernoulli Equation     


Example 2  Find the pressure, P1 , needed to produce a flow rate of  Qo from the tank

shown below.  Use following data:  h = 2 ft,  e = 3.6 ft,  d = 0.06 ft,  Qo = 0.09 ft3/sec

From Tables of Properties for salt water and gasoline:    γsalt water = 64.4 lb/ft3, and

γgasoline = 42.5 lb/ft3. 






Strategy for solution:


Step 1

Identify (draw) the streamline for application of the Bernoulli equation.

Step 2

Select the datum for the elevation, Z.  Identify points on the streamline and show known values of P, V, and Z.

Step 3

Write the Bernoulli equation between desired points.

Step 4

Solve for desired values.



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