Bending Members (Beams)


Example:  (continued)


The moment of inertia of each part about their centroidal axis is:


                          Iz1z1 = (1/12)bh3      and     I z2z2 = (1/12)hb3


Next use the parallel axis theorem to transfer these moments of inertia to the centroidal

(neutral) axis of the composite section.


For part 1:   IzNA1 = inertia of part 1 about the centroidal axis of the composite section is:


                          Iz1z1 = (1/12)bh3    +  bh(D  – h/2)2


For part 2:   IzNA2 = inertia of part 2 about the centroidal axis of the composite section is:  


                         Iz2z2 = (1/12)hb3    +  bh(b/2 + h – D)2


Then the moment of inertia of the composite section about its neutral axis is the sum.


        IzNA  =  IzNA1  ,  IzNA2  =  = (1/12)bh3    +  bh(D  – h/2)2  +  (1/12)hb3    +  bh(b/2 + h – D)2


For the given data:  b = 20 mm, h = 80 mm,  D = 65 mm


    IzNA  =  2.906 x 106  mm4  =  moment of inertia of composite section about neutral axis


For the top fiber:  σtop  =  MCtop / IzNA    =  10000(35) / 2.906 x 106    =  0.120 N/mm2  = σmax


For the bottom fiber:  σbottom  =  MCtop / IzNA   = 10000(65) / 2.906 x 106  =  − 0.224 N/mm2 = σmin


Top fiber has the maximum tensile stress =  0.120 N/mm2       (result)


Bottom fiber has the minimum compressive stress =  − 0.224 N/mm2    (result)


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