Beam Deflection by Double Integration   (continued)


For   0    x    L/2    The beam deflection starts with double integration of:


               EI d2y1/dx2  =  3wLx/8  ˗  wx2/2


There will be two constants of integration.


One boundary condition is    y1(0)  =  0



For   L/2    x    L   The beam deflection starts with double integration of:


                EI d2y2/dx2  =  wL2 /8 ˗ wLx/8 



There will be two constants of integration.


One boundary condition is    y2(L)  =  0



There are two conditions of continuity that must be satisfied.  They are as follows:


   At  x = L/2             y1(x)  =  y2(x)     and       dy1/(x)dx  =  dy2 (x)/dx


So the two boundary conditions and the two continuity conditions allow the

determination of the four constants of integration.



Integration gives:


For   0    x    L/2         EI dy1/dx  =  3wLx2/16  ˗  wx3 / 6  +  C1  


and                                   EI y1 (x)  =  wLx3/16  ˗  wx4 / 24  +  C1  x  +  C2 



For   L/2    x    L         EI dy2/dx  =  wL2 x / 8 ˗ wLx2 /16  +  C3      


and                                   EI dy2 (x)  =  wL2 x2 / 16 ˗  wLx3 /48  +  C3 x  +  C4     


Application of the boundary and continuity conditions yield:


C1   =  ˗  9 w L3 / 384,    C2   =  0,    C3   =   ˗  17 w L3 / 384,    and  C4  = w L4 / 384  




The resulting deflections in each section of the beam are:


For   0    x    L/2             y1 (x)  =  (w/ 384EI)  [ 24 Lx3  ˗ 16 x4   ˗   9L3  x ] 


For   L/2    x    L             y2 (x)  =   (w/ 384EI)  [ L4  + 24 L2x2  ˗   8L x3  ˗  17 L3 x ]


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