Beam Deflection by Superposition


Example:  (continued)  Note:  Beam remains straight from B to C for beam (1) with moment, M.




At C:  Strategy:  The total deflection is    δC  =   δ3 – δ1 – δ2   where  δ2  =  (L/2) θ1   =  (L/2) θB            


From deflection table:  δ3  =   PL3 / 3EI   and  δ1  =  − M(L/2)2 / 2EI   =  − ML2 / 8EI  


Also from deflection table for M:     θC = − ML/EI    so  θ1 = − M(L/2)/EI   =  − ML/2EI


By superposition   δC  =  PL3 / 3EI    − ML2 / 8EI − ML2/4EI  =  PL3 / 3EI  − 3ML2 / 8EI    (result)


At C the slope is    θC  =   θ3 – θ1               


From deflection table:  θ3  =   PL2 / 2EI   and from above  θ1 =  − ML/2EI


So the slope of the beam by at C by superposition is   θC  =   PL2 / 2EI  − ML/2EI      (result)



At B:  Strategy:  The total deflection is    δB  =   δ4 – δ1                  


From deflection table for P:   y2(x) =  Px2/6EI (3L – x) 


So at midspan for load P:     δ4 = P(L/2)2/6EI (3L – L/2)  =  5PL3 / 48EI    


From above  δ1  =  − ML2 / 8EI    So by superposition   δB  =  5PL3 / 48EI    ML2 / 8EI   (result)


At B the slope is    θB  =   θ4 – θ1     where from above  θ1 =  − ML/2EI


From the deflection table:   y2(x) =  (Px2/6EI) (3L – x)   


So taking the derivative to obtain slope:    dy2(x)/dx  =  θ2(x)  =  (PLx/EI   – Px2/2EI)


And the slope in beam 2 at  B due to P at x = L/2  is    θ4 = (3/8) PL2/EI


So the slope of the beam at B by superposition is      θB =  (3/8) PL2/EI − ML/2EI     (result)


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