Shear Stress in Beams


Example: * (continued)


So the maximum shear force, Vmax, has a value of 5400 lb and occurs at each end of the beam.

The maximum bending moment, Mmax, has a value of 8100 ft lb and occurs at midspan of

the beam.


Start with the min/max bending stress.  They occur on the top and bottom fibers at midspan.


   σ =  Mc/I    where  M = 8100 ft lb, c =  h/2  =  5 in, and 

                                                            I  = (1/12)bh3  =  (1/12)(8)(10)3 = 666.6 in4


Therefore               σ =  (8100)(12)(5) / (666.6) =  729 psi  


Consequently at midspan of the beam


                     σmax =  + 729 psi (on bottom fibers),    σmin =  − 729 psi (on top fibers)



The shear force is given by    τ  =  VQ/It  where   V  =  5400 lb,  I =  666.6 in4,  t = 8 in


Here you need to calculate the value of Q.  So the area involved is from the neutral axis to

the top of the beam as shown in the figure below.   Q  =  (A’)(ybar)



   A’  =  (h/2) b  =  (5)(8)   =  40 in2     ybar =  h/4  =  2.5 in     So   Q  =  (A’) h/4  = 100 in3 


So      τmax  =  VQ/It  =  (5400)(100)/(666.6)(8)  =  101 psi         (result)


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