Finite Volume Analysis:   Application of Conservation of Linear Momentum   


Example 1  (continued)    



The axisymmetric velocity profile at section 2 is  


                      V [ ( r / d/2) ] i    and  n2 = i   and where V is currently unknown.


Also note the expression for the element of area, dS  =  2π r dr     so that


                                                    r = d/2

                           ∫ ρ V2n2  dS   =  ∫ ρ V [ ( r / d/2) ] 2π r dr     =  (1/6) V π ρ d2

                        cs2                            r = 0


Thus for conservation of mass     - ρ V1 (π d2/4)  +  (1/6) V π ρ d2  =  0   and


                         V  =  (3/2) V1        V1  =  100 ft/sec    so  V  =  150 ft/sec  (result)


Continue with the solution by:



Step 3

Write the equation for conservation of linear momentum and simplify for known values.  Check for steady flow.  Include pressure forces and the drag force by the screen.


                           d/dtV ρ dV  +    V ρ Vn  dS   =   Σ Fx i

                                 cv                cs


For steady flow the first term is zero leaving             V ρ Vn  dS   =   0


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