Finite Volume Analysis:   Application of Conservation of Energy  


Example 1  (continued)


Step 2b


Simplify for steady, uniform, incompressible flow with one

stream entering and one stream exiting the control surface.


For steady flow      ∂/∂t  ∫ e ρ dV  =  ∂/∂t  ∫ [ u + p/ρ +  ½ V2  +  gz ] ρ dV  =  0

                                    cv                        cv


For no heat transfer across the control surface      Q net in  =  0.  The energy equation

reduces to:                                  .                                                  

                     e  ρ  V n  dS  =    W shaft net in   where     e  =  u +  p/ρ +  ½ V2  +  gz



      e  ρ  V1 n1  dS  + ∫  e  ρ  V2 n2  dS  =    W shaft net in

  cs1                            cs2


          Now  V1 n1  =  - V1     and  V2 n2  =  V2  


Since uniform, incompressible flow with one stream entering the control surface and

one stream leaving the control surface


      ∫ ρ V1  dS  =  ρ V1 A1  =  ρ Q   and    ∫ ρ V2  dS  =  ρ V2 A2  = ρ Q   =  dm/dt
    cs1                                                     cs2


     Here  dm/dt   is the mass flow rate in slugs/sec


   - [u1 + p1/ρ +  ½ V12  +  gz1 ] dm/dt  +   [u2 + p2/ρ +  ½ V22  +  gz2 ] dm/dt   =  W shaft net in


where terms on the left side are  (ft lb / slug) (slugs/sec) = ft lb / sec


and  the net shaft power in is     W shaft net in  is in        ft lb / sec


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