Finite Volume Analysis:   Application of Conservation of Energy  


Example 1  Water is supplied at 150 ft3/sec and 60 psi to a hydraulic turbine through a

3 ft inside-diameter inlet pipe as shown in the figure below.  The turbine discharge pipeh

has a 4 ft inside-diameter.  The static pressure at section (2), 10 ft below the turbine

inlet, is 10 in Hg vacuum.  The turbine develops 2500 hp.  Find the power lost between

sections 1 and 2.





Step 1


Identify (draw) the control surface and control volume for the fluid flow.

Show the unit outward normal to surfaces across which flow occurs.


Step 2

Write the general equation for conservation of energy.  Check for steady flow.   Simplify for steady, uniform, incompressible flow with one stream

entering the control surface and one stream leaving the control surface.

Step 3

Solve for the energy lost between sections 1 and 2.



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