Finite Volume Analysis:  Application of Conservation of Mass    (continued)


Example 1  (continued)              Recall strategy for solution:


Step 1

Identify (draw) the control surface and control volume for the fluid flow.

Step 2

Write the equation for conservation of mass and simplify for known

values.  Check for steady flow.  Identify surfaces across which flow occurs.

Step 3

Solve for desired values.


                                              u/U  =  ( y/δ)1/7 




       d/dt ∫ ρ dV  +  ∫ ρ v ●n dA  =  0     for steady flow (flow is established)  d/dt ∫ ρ dV  = 0

             cv            cs                                                                                                cv

                                                                          y = δ

                       ∫ ρ v ●n dA  =  ρ U in1 A1  +  ρ ∫ U(y/δ)1/7 i ● n2 L dy  =  0

                     cs                                                  y = 0


                              ρ U i ● n1 A1  =  - ρ U A1  =  -  ρ Q            note:  n1 =  - i    n2 =   i


           y = δ                                                                          y = δ

            ρ ∫ U(y/δ)1/7 i ● n2 L dy  = ρ U L (7/8) (1/δ)1/7 (y)8/7 |    =   (7/8) ρ U Lδ

           y = 0                                                                          y = 0


           So  -  ρ Q +  (7/8) ρ U Lδ  =  0   and        Q  =  (7/8) U Lδ     (result)


Click here for another example.



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