Finite Volume Analysis:   Application of Conservation of Mass    (continued)


Example 2  (continued)


Strategy for solution:


Step 2

Write the equation for conservation of mass and simplify for known

values.  Check for steady flow.  Identify surfaces across which flow occurs.

Step 3

Solve for desired values.


Continue with steps 2 and 3.


In general, conservation of mass is:     Note: The flow across surfaces is uniform.


                   d/dt ∫ ρ dV   +  ∫ ρ Vn dA  =  0

                        cv              cs


Since the river flows steadily, the first term in the above equation is zero.  (steady flow)

The second term expands as follows:


                ∫ ρ V1n1 dA   +  ∫ ρ V2n2 dA    +  ∫ ρ V3n3 dA  +  ∫ ρ V4n3 dA   = 0


             ρ ( -3)(50)(6) + ρ (-4)(80)(6) + ρ (V)(70)(6) + ρ(0.8V)(30)(6)  = 0


Cancel  ρ and 6 from the above equation and solve for V.


                        94 V  =  470   or   V = 5 ft/sec    (result)




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