Center of Gravity, Centroid  (Composite Body)



Example:  Find the y and z coordinates of the composite section shown below.                                                   






Strategy:  Subdivide  this composite section into three rectangular areas each having dimensions b by h as shown below.  The moment of the sum of the areas times the

centroid must equal the sum of the moments for each part.




y- centroid:    Σ Ai ycg  =  ΣAiyi     (3bh) ycg  =  (bh)(h/2) + (bh)(h/2) + (bh)(h + b/2)


                            ycg  =  c  =  [h + h + (h+b/2)] / 3  =  (5h + b)/6      (result)


z-centroid:     By symmetry  zcg  =  0.




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