Differential Analysis in Fluid Flow



Example  The velocity components of an incompressible, two-dimensional velocity flow field

are give by the equations:

                                                      u  =  2 xy

                                                      v  =  x2  -  y2


Show that the flow is irrotational and satisfies conservation of mass.


For irrotational flow:    curl V  =  0      So for 2-D       ∂v / ∂x  -  ∂u / ∂y  =  0


which yields         2 x – 2 x  =  0.  So the velocity flow field is irrotational.          (result)


For conservation of mass for an incompressible, 2-D velocity flow field:


                               ∂u / ∂x  +  ∂v / ∂y  =  0


which yields       2 y  -  2y  =  0           So conservation of mass is preserved.      (result)



Example   In a steady, two-dimensional flow field the fluid density varies linearly with respect

to the coordinate, x.  i.e.  ρ  = Ax  where A  is a constant.  If the x component of velocity, u, is

given by  u  =  y, find an expression for the y component, v.


For conservation of mass:                                   ∂(ρu) / ∂x  +  ∂(ρv) / ∂y  =  0


Now   ρu = Axy  so       ∂(ρu) / ∂x  =  Ay    and      Ay  +  ∂(ρv) / ∂y  =  0


So       ∂(ρv) / ∂y  =  -  Ay    integration with respect to y gives


     ρv   =    -  ½ Ay2  +  g(x)


or            (Ax) v  =  -  ½ Ay2  +  g(x)     Solve for v.


                         v  =   - y2 / 2x  +  g(x)/Ax   =  - y2 / 2x  +  f(x)        (result)



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