Fluid Kinematics ˗ Examples


Example:  The velocity of air in the circular, diverging pipe shown below is  V1 = 4t  ft/sec  and

V2 = 2t ft/sec  where  t  is in seconds.  A.  Find the local acceleration at points (1) and (2).

Is the average convective acceleration between these two sections positive, negative, or zero?




                  a   =    DV/dt  =  V/∂t  +  u ∂V/∂x  +  v ∂V/∂y  +  w ∂V/∂z


Assume uniform flow at sections 1 and 2.  Then   V1  =  4t i   and  V2  =  2t i


The local acceleration at section 1 is  V/∂t  =  4 i  ft/sec2       (result)  and


The local acceleration at section 2 is  V/∂t  =  2 i  ft/sec2       (result)


Now  v  =  w  =  0  .   So the convective acceleration simplifies to   u ∂V/∂x 


The fluid velocity in the pipe V  =  V(x,t).  As the fluid flows from section 1 to section2

The fluid velocity decreases from 4t i to 2ti  and  u  is positive.  So  u ∂V/∂x   is negative.  (result)


The velocity field, v(x,y,z) = 2x i ˗ 2y j  +  z k is in ft/sec.  Find the local acceleration

vector.  Find the convective acceleration vector.


Du/dt  =  ∂u/∂t  +  u∂u/∂x  +  v∂u/∂y  + w∂u/∂z  =  0 + (2x)2 + 0 + 0  =  4x


Dv/dt  =  ∂v/∂t  +  u∂v/∂x  +  v∂v/∂y  + w∂v/∂z  =  0 + 0 ˗ 2y(˗2) + 0  =  4y


Dw/dt  =  ∂w/∂t  +  u∂w/∂x  +  v∂w/∂y  + w∂w/∂z  =  0 +  0 + z(1)  =  z


Local acceleration =  ∂u/∂t i + ∂v/∂t j + ∂w/∂t k  =  0 i + 0 j  +  0 k    (result)


Convective acceleration vector = u ∂V/∂x  +  v ∂V/∂y  +  w ∂V/∂z 


                                                  =  4x i + 4y j  +  z k   ft/sec2              (result)


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