Example  -  Force –System Resultants -- Moments  (continued)





Determine coordinates:  A (0,2.1,0), B(0,1.4,0), C(0,0.6,0), D(0,0,0), E(0,-0.5,0)

F(0,-0.5,1.0), G(-2.4,0,0), H(0.4,0,-1.2)         Determine force vectors:    


       F1 = F1x i + F1y j + F1z k ,  F2 = F2x i + F2y j + F2z k  ,  F3 = F3x i + F3y j + F3z k


So the resultant force is   

 Fr = F1 + F2 + F3  =  ( F1x  + F2x + F3x ) i + (F1y + F2y + F3y ) j + ( F1z  + F2z  + F3z ) k


          F1 = 0 i + 0 j  - 500 k,          F2 = 300 uCH,           F3 = 700 uFG


where  uCH is the unit vector from C to H,  uFG is the unit vector from F to G


 CH =  < 0.4,0,-1.2> - <0,0.6,0>  =  0.4i – 0.6j -1.2k   and |CH| = √(0.42 + 0.62 + 1.22)


FG =  < -2.4,0,0> - <0,->  =  -2.4i + 0.5j -1.0k   and |FG| = √(2.42 + 0.52 + 12)


uCH = CH / |CH| = 0.286 i – 0.429 j – 0.867 k,   F2 = 300 [0.286 i – 0.429 j – 0.867 k]


uFG = FG / |FG| = -0.906 i + 0.189 j – 0.378 k,  F3 = 700 [-0.906 i + 0.189 j – 0.378 k]


          F2 = 85.7 i -128.6 j -257.1 k,             F3 = -634.5 i +132.2 j -264.4 k


So the resultant force is   Fr = F1 + F2 + F3 = -548 i + 3.6 j – 1021 k  N    (result)


Now calculate the moment of each force vector about point A.  The sum of these moments

equals the resultant moment, MrA .  You need the position vectors from  A  to any convenient

point on the line of action of the three force vectors.


for  F1 ,  rAB = -0.7 j,     for F2,  rAC = -1.5 j ,     for F3 ,  rAG =  -2.4 i -2.1 j


MrA  =  rAB x F1 + rAC x F2 + rAG x F3  =  1290 i -634 j – 1521 k  Nm       (result)


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