Example involving Friction  (continued)




  Write the equations of equilibrium.



→ ∑ Fx  =  0                            P cos θ  ˗  F  =  0                                            (1)


↑ ∑ Fy = 0                               N ˗ W + P sin θ  =  0                                       (2)


Ccw  ∑ MB  =  0                     W(b/2)  ˗  N x  ˗ P (cos θ) (3h/4)  =  0            (3)


The unknowns include:          P,  F,  N,  x   (4 unknowns)


Therefore need more information.



Investigate the condition that sliding impends.   i.e.  F  =  μN


 Use (2):           F  =  μ ( W ˗ P sin θ )


and from equilibrium , (2):      F  =  P cos θ


So   P cos θ  =  μ ( W ˗ P sin θ )     So  P  =  μW / ( cos θ + μ sin θ )


For the data:   P  =  26.67 lb



Investigate the condition for tipping to impend.   i.e.  x  =  0


 Use (3):      W(b/2) ˗ P (cos θ) (3h/4)  =  0         P  =  (2W/3cosθ) (b/h)


For the data:  P  =  50 lb



Result:  Sliding impends prior to tipping.




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