Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Plates (example)


Find the hydrostatic pressure force and its location on a rectangular plate (b by h).

The top of the plate is at the surface and is vertically oriented with respect to the surface.

Use the method of integration.




The elemental pressure force is  dF  =  PdA  =  γ x dA  =  γ x b dx


where  P is the pressure acting at a depth  x, b is the width of the plate, and h is the

height of the plate.  So by integration the total pressure force, F, is


                              x = h

                     F  =       γ x b dx  =  ˝ γ bh2  = ( ˝ γ h)(bh)                            ---- (1)

                              x = 0

Notice that the magnitude of the total pressure force equals the pressure at the centroid

of the plate times the area of the plate. 


But where does this pressure force act?  Let  xbar denote the location of the total pressure force on the plate below the surface.  Use the principle of first moments to calculate the location of the pressure force as follows.


                                                                              x = h

   F xbar  =  ∫ x dF =  ∫ x P dA  =  ∫ x γ x dA  =  γ   ∫ x2 b dx  =  (1/3) γ b h3     --- (2)

                                                                              x = 0


So by (1) and (2)        xbar  =   [ (1/3) γ b h3 ] / [( ˝ γ h)(bh)] =  (2/3) h


Note that the hydrostatic force acts at the centroid of the pressure “prism” , the

triangular distribution, not at the centroid of the  plate.


Click here for another example.



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