Fluid Statics Example     


Example 2  of an inclined Barometer with three different liquids


The inclined barometer shown in the figure below contains cross-hatched liquid 1 with

specific weight, γ1, on the left, clear liquid 2 with specific weight, γ2, in the middle, and

cross-hatched liquid 3 with specific weight, γ3, on the right.  The pressure at point A is

PA in the left vessel and the pressure at point B in the vessel on the right is PB.  Find the

pressure difference between point A and point B in the inclined manometer.




Recall that pressure increases with depth in a liquid column in proportion to the specific

weight of the liquid.  So start at point A and move to the right.  The pressure changes

are:   (increases in pressure are + and decreases in pressure are - )


                             PA  +  γ1 h  -  γ2 (L sin θ)  - γ3 d  =  PB


Therefore the pressure differential is:


                            PA  -  PB   =  γ2 (L sin θ)  + γ3 d  - γ1 h       (result)



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