Deformation of a Circular Bar (Statically Indeterminate)


Example:  (continued)





From equilibrium,

                                                 FA   FD  =  P       (1)


From deflection relations,


For A to B:  F1  =  FA,        For B to C:  F2  =  FA + P,       For C to D:  F3  =  FA - P


The relative deflections for each section are given by   Fi Li / AE


                          B/A  =  FA (L/2) / AE


                          C/B  =  (FA + P)(L/4) /AE


                          D/C   = (FA – P)(L/4) / AE


The sum of the relative displacement must add to zero.  (Geometric condition)


          B/A  +  C/B   + D/C   =  0         (Cancel  L, A, and E to simplify.)


                  FA /2  +  FA /4  +  P/4 +   FA /4   – P/4  =  0


So   FA  =  0   and  by (1)       FD  =  – P     (result for support reactions)


So the axial stresses in each section are



     σ1  =  0 ,             σ2  =  P/A  (tension)  ,         σ3  =  – P/A  (compression)


Thus the maximum axial stress equals  P/A and occurs between B and C.   (result)


Click here to solve this problem again using superposition this time.


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