Example -  Analysis of Trusses using the Method of Joints


Use the method of joints to find the forces in truss members, BD and  AE.


Construct a FBD of the entire truss.  The result is:

Where  Ax and Ay are the pin reactions at support A  and  Ey  is the vertical force

exerted by the roller on the truss.  Next determine the support reactions at A and E.


Sum moments about point A taking counterclockwise as positive.


   Ey (2)  -  1200 (2)  - 800 (4)  =  0   which gives  Ey  =  2800 N


Sum forces in the x-direction which gives    Ax  =  - 800 N


Sum forces in the y-direction which gives   Ay  - 1200  +  2800  = 0,   Ay = -1600 N


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