Open Channel Flow   Gradually Varied Flow  (Cont)


Example:   (continued)


To remain on the specific energy diagram for q = 6 ft2/sec and achieve critical conditions imagine inserting an artificial bump in the floor of the channel as shown below to reach

critical flow at the highest point on the artificial bump.







The energy equation between stations 1 and c is   y1  +  V12/2g + z1  =  yc  +  Vc2/2g + zc


Or (since  z1 = 0)    y1  +  V12/2g =  yc  +  Vc2/2g + zc      and      E1  =  Ec  +  zc


From the specific energy diagram, Ec  = Emin  =  1.56 ft.



Thus with a bump of height    zc  =  E1  -  Ec  =  2.59 – 1.56  =  1.03  ft  the flow could

then reach supercritical flow where  Fr > 1  and thus the downstream elevation

of the free surface, y2b, with the bump (and critical flow at the apex of the bump)

is  y2b  =  0.55 ft as shown on the specific energy diagram.



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