The Parallel Axis Theorem  (example continued)



 (Strategy continued)

Calculate the centroid of the composite section,  ycg  :

                    Σ Ai ycg  =  ΣAiyi     (3bh) ycg  =  (bh)(h/2) + (bh)(h/2) + (bh)(h + b/2)


                            ycg  =  c  =  [h + h + (h+b/2)] / 3  =  (5h + b)/6



Locate the distances of the centroid of the three rectangular areas from the centroid of

the composite section.  i.e.  d and e




Calculate the moment of inertia of each rectangular area about its own centroidal axis.


      Moment of inertias:           Izz1 =   Izz2  =  (1/12)bh3        Izz3  =  (1/12) hb3  



Use the parallel axis theorem to obtain the moment of inertia of the composite section

about its centroidal axis.


               Izzcg1  =  Izz1  + (bh)d2  =  Izzcg2      and       Izzcg3  =  Izz3  + (bh)e2 



Sum these terms to obtain the total moment of inertia, Izzcg, for the composite area about

its centroid.

                                    Izzcg  =  Izzcg1  +  Izzcg2  +  Izzcg3 



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