Pipeflow   Type 2  Application     (continued)              






             z1  =     V22/2g   +  [f(L/D)  +  K )] V22/2g  =  [ 1  +  [f(L/D)  +  K )] V22/2g     (ft)        (1)


            H  =   [ 1  +  [f(L/D)  +  K )] V22/2g     =  [ 1  +  600f  +  0.5 ] V22/ 64.4


            80    =  [  600f  +  1.5 ] V22/ 64.4    or        V22  =  5152 / (600f + 1.5)                           (1A)


For galvanized iron pipe  e  =  0.0005 ft   and   e/D  =  0.003


From the Moody Diagram  for turbulent flow and  1.22x10-5  ,   f  =  0.026



Click here for a representation of  the Moody Diagram.



   Then from (1A)  V2  =  17.35 fps    Use this value to calculate the new Reynolds Number.


The new Reynolds Number using the velocity and the relative roughness is:


Reynolds Number  =   VD/ν   where  D = 1/6 ft  and  ν = kinematic viscosity for

water at 60oF  =  1.22x10-5  ft2/sec.  


             Re  =  (17.35)(1/6)/ 1.22x10-5  =  2.37x105  


So from the Moody Chart   f  ~  0.027    Small change.  So stop iteration.


The discharge  Q = (Area of Pipe) (Discharge velocity)  =  (π)(1/6)2 /4][17.35]  =  0.38 cfs    (result)



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