Pipeflow Example       Type 3 Application          (continued)


    f  =  π2gD5 / 8Q2    Here there are two unknowns,  f  and  D.


In general   f   depends on the Reynolds number, Rey and the relative roughness, ε/D.


Now   Rey = VD/ν  =  (Q/A)(D/ν)  =  4Q/πDν


Now  Q  =  0.5 ft3/sec   which gives                            f  =  π2gD5 / 2           (1)


and  Rey =  2/πDν


From tables for water,  ν  =  1.21 x 10-5  ft2/sec         So  Rey =  52613/D    (2)



Here you need an iterative scheme using the Moody Chart to obtain a solution for D.


Strategy:  Start by guessing a value for  D, calculate  Rey  from  (2) then determine value of 


friction factor, f,  from the Moody  Chart.  Compare this value of  f  with the value obtained


from (1).  Once these values are sufficiently close, the solution is achieved.



First guess pick  D = 0.1 ft.  then  Rey =  526130  and for a “smooth pipe”  f  =  0.009.


From (1)   f  =  0.0015     Not close enough to   f = 0.009.   


Next pick  D = 0.15, then Rey =  350750  then for a “smooth pipe”  f  =  0.014


And from  (1)  f  =  0.012  which is closer.  Next pick  D = 0.155 


Rey =  339400  then for a “smooth pipe”  f  =  0.0142


and from  (1)  f  =  0.0142      with the final result that    D  = 0.155 ft.



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