Pressure Vessels


Example: The cylindrical, steel tank shown below is under a gage pressure of 1.5 MPa.  Its

inner diameter is 750 mm with a wall thickness of 9 mm.  The seams forming the tank using

butt welds are at an angle of  θ with the longitudinal axis of the tank.  Determine the normal

stress perpendicular to the weld and the shearing stress parallel to the weld for  θ = 60o.





Strategy:  Use the expression  σC = pr/t and σL = pr/2t to determine the circumferential and

longitudinal, normal components of stress on an element oriented along the cylinder as shown

below.  Then use Mohr’s circle to find the components of stress for an element oriented along

and perpendicular to the weld seam.




σC =  pr/t   =  (1.5)(375)/9  =  62.5 MPa


σL =  pr/2t  =  (1.5)(375)/(2)(9) = 31.25 MPa


Next construct Mohr’s Circle for this element in plane stress.


Use it to determine the normal and shearing stresses on the face of an element rotated

so that a face of the element aligns with the weld.  Remember that rotation of an element

through an angle  θ  is equivalent to rotation through an angle  2θ on Mohr’s Circle with

both rotations in the same direction.




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