Example of the Method of Reduction



Example (cont)


The general solution from the method of reduction is:  y(r)  =  C1r  +  C2/r


Recall that the inner cylinder has radius, a, and the outer cylinder has radius, b.  Apply

the boundary conditions.


                                    y(a) =  a ω     and   y(b)  =  0                                    



                  C1b +  C2/b = 0   and  C1 a +  C2/a  =  a ω


The solution for C1  and  C2  is:


                                                       C1  =  - a2 ω/ [ b2  -  a2 ]


                                                       C2  =    a2 b2 ω/ [ b2  -  a2 ]




               y(r)  =   - a2 ω r / [b2 - a2 ]   +   a2 (b2/r)ω / [b2 - a2 ]  



                y(r)  =  a2 ω [ b2/r  -  r) / [  b2 -  a2 ]                        (result)





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