Open Channel Flow - Uniform Flow


Example:   A rectangular channel, made of finished concrete, is 1.25 meters wide and has a

downward slope of 0.01.  Determine the depth for equilibrium flow if the discharge is 0.8 m3/sec,

the critical depth, and the Froude number.  Is the slope mild or steep?  Is the flow subcritical or






Strategy:  Apply Manning's equation.                         Q  =  (K/n)  A RH2/3 So 1/2


Data:  From tables:  n  = 0.012 for finished concrete

Q  =  0.8 m3 / sec,   K  =  1.0 for metric units

A  =  1.25 yN ,      wetted perimeter  =  1.25 + 2 yN,        RH  =     1.25 yN / ( 1.25 + 2 yN )         

               0.8  =  (1 / 0.012 ) (1.25 yN ) [1.25 yN / ( 1.25 + 2 yN ) ]2/3  (0.01)1/2



Solution for  yN   is by iteration since  yN  is a complicated algebraic expression.


After several iterations:     yN  =  0.23 m   is the equilibrium depth.


The critical depth, yc =  (q2/g)1/3    where  q = Q/w  =  0.8/1.25  m2/sec  and g = 9.8 m/sec2  


yc =  0.35 m   (result)   Since  yN  <  yc   the slope is mild  (result)


Now   A V  =  Q,  (0.23)(1.25)(V)  =  0.8   So   V  =  2.78  m/sec


Froude Nb  =  V/√( gyN ) =  2.78 / √ (9.8)(0.23)  =  1.85 m/sec    (result)


Since the Froude Nb > 1, the flow is supercritical.    (result)



Click here for a discussion of varied flow (gradually varied flow).



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