More Vector Examples -


Ex. 5   Vector Product – Use the right hand rule;  i.e.  Calculate  i x j .   Result  =  k .




Ex. 6   Find the vector,  F3,  perpendicular to the vectors, F1 = 3i  +  4j and

            F2 =  5i  +  12j  .



Recall from vector calculus the  cross product of two vectors is a vector perpendicular

to the original vectors.


 F1 x F2  =  ( 3i  +  4j ) x [(5)i  +  (12)j] 


Also recall that   i x i  =  0,  j x j  =  0,   i x j  =  k,   j x i  =  -k


So  F1 x F2  =  36k  -  48k  =  -12k



Ex. 7  Find the vector of  F1 = 3i  +  4j  in the direction of the vector, F2  where

           F2 =  5i  +  12j  and where  i  and  j  are unit vectors in the x and y directions.



From the first example the magnitude of the resulting vector in the direction of

vector, F2  is 63/13  and  the unit vector in the direction of F2  is  (5/13)i  +  (12/13)j .


The resulting vector, F3,  in the direction of  F2 is just its magnitude times the unit vector

in the direction of F2 .


So  F3 =  (63/13) [(5/13)i  +  (12/13)j]  =  (315/13)i  +  756/13)j



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