Differential Equations   Math 285  Hour  Exam 2   Fall, 2011









a.       Are the three functions  y1(x) = 1, y2(x) = sin2x, y3(x) = 2 cos2 x

             linearly dependent?


b.      Is it possible that the above functions satisfy an equation 

y” + p(x) y’ + q(x) y  =  0 on the entire line, where the functions

p(x) and q(x) are continuous on the entire line?


Answers:   a. linearly dependent       b.  No 









Consider a differential equation   anyn + . . . . + aoy  =  f(x).  Let the characteristic

equation have the roots  0,   0,   - 3,    1 ± 2i,   1 ± 2i,   1 ± 2i


a.        Give a general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation.


b.       Give a particular solution  yp(x) with undetermined coefficients if


                      f(x)  =  e -3x cos 2x  +  5 x e -3x sin 2x


c.       Give a particular solution  yp(x)  with undetermined coefficients if


                    f(x)  =  x ex cos 2x  -  5  ex sin 2x


Answers:  a.  y = C1 + C2 x + C3 e -3x + e x (C4 + C5 x + C6 x2) cos 2x

                               +  e x (C7 + C8 x + C9 x2) sin 2x


b.                  yp(x)  =  e -3x (A + B x) cos 2x  +  e -3x (C + D x) sin 2x

c.                   yp(x)  =  x3 [e x (A + B x) cos 2x  +  e x (C + D x) sin 2x ]











a.       Find a particular solution to the equation     y “ + 9 y  =  ( 6x – 7 ) e 3x


b.      Find the solution to the initial value problem for the above equation

With initial conditions   y(0) = 0,   y ‘(0) = 1/3


Answers:  a.  yp  =  [ (1/3) x – ½ ] e 3x


and   b.  y = [ (1/3) x – ½ ] e 3x  +  ½ cos 3x  +  ½ sin 3x


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