The Chain Rule for Functions of Several Variables                                       



In a Nut Shell:  Recall that the chain rule for a function, y, of one independent variable,

x, was very important in that it enabled you to replace the derivative of a complicated

function with a product of simpler derivatives, called the “chain” rule.


Recall the Chain Rule:   If   u  =  u(x)  and   x = x(t),   then  du/dt  =  [du/dx][dx/dt]



In a Nut Shell:  The chain rule extends to functions of more than one independent variable.


Now consider a function,  w(x,y)   (which has continuous, first-order derivatives)

and that       x  =  g(t)  and   y  =  h(t)  are differentiable functions.  Then  w  is a

differentiable function of  t  .





w   is the dependent variable,      x and  y   are intermediate variables


and   t   is the independent variable


Suppose  w  =  w( x,y ) has continuous first-order derivatives.   Then


       dw/dt   =   [∂w / ∂x] dx/dt    +  [∂w / ∂y] dy/dt          (chain rule)





It can be helpful to construct a “tree diagram” to illustrate the chain rule structure.




         Tree diagram for  w = w(x,y)  where  x = x(t)  and  y = y(t).



It follows then that the chain rule for   dw/dt  is given as above by the expression:


            dw/dt   =   [∂w/ ∂x] dx/dt    +  [∂w/ ∂y] dy/dt


Click here to continue discussion of the multivariable chain rule.


Copyright © 2017 Richard C. Coddington

All rights reserved.