The Directional Derivative, its Definition and Physical Interpretation                                  



In Nut Shell:  The simple derivative of a function, y, of one independent variable, x,

can be viewed as giving the derivative of  y  in the direction of  x.  This same concept

extends to functions of more than one independent variable and any given direction.



The directional derivative of a function,  Duf(x,y), gives the rate of change of f(x,y) on a

line through the point, P, in the direction of the unit vector, u.  See the figure below.




           ∂/∂x  represents the change of the function (slope) in the x-direction, 


           ∂/∂y  represents the change of the function (slope) in the y-direction, 


and    Du f  represents the change of the function (slope) through P in the direction of

the unit vector  u.



One can show that the directional derivative of f(x,y) in the direction of the unit vector, u,

Du f(x,y) , is the dot product of the gradient of f(x,y) with the unit vector, u.  It provides a

convenient method to calculate the directional derivative.



             Du f(x,y)  =  grad f(x,y) u 



Recall that the gradient function, grad f(x,y), points in the direction in which the function 

f(x,y)  increases (or decreases)  most rapidly and the dot product with   u   gives the

component of grad f(x,y) in the direction of  u .



The maximum value of the directional derivative is in the direction of grad f(x,y).  So it

occurs when  u   is a unit vector in the direction of  grad f .


So      u   =   grad f  /  | grad f |


i.e.  If   f (x )  represents the temperature, then  proceeding in the direction of  u

       gives the greatest temperature change.


Click here for more discussion of the directional derivative.

Copyright © 2017 Richard C. Coddington

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