Divergence Theorem  (Gauss's Theorem) (continued)



Alternate Strategies in the application of the Divergence Theorem


       F  .  dS   =     F  .  n  dS   =         div F dV

      S                       S                             E


F(x,y,z) = vector field,  dS = element of oriented surface,  n = unit normal to S

dV = element of volume of region E





Method 1



Evaluate    F  .  n  dS   directly over the surface S











Method 2



Transform the double integral on S      F   n dS


to a surface integral using  n =  (ru x rv) / | (ru x rv) |


which gives


                     F   (ru x rv) / | (ru x rv) |dS   



and  dS  =  | (ru x rv) | dA


to obtain the final result


          F   n dS =       F  ● (ru x rv) dA   

        S                          R


where  dA is the element of area on R, on the u-v plane



Method 3



Evaluate         div F dV   directly over the volume  E





Side note:  Some mathematicians refer to the Divergence Theorem as Gauss’ Theorem.



Click here for four examples illustrating the Divergence Theorem.


Copyright © 2017 Richard C. Coddington

All rights reserved.