Double Integration  (continued)



In a Nut Shell:  The element of area may be expressed in various coordinate systems

including rectangular and polar.  The table below lists both options.



The element of area dA  in rectangular coordinates  is   dA  =  dx  dy

or  dA  =  dy dx.



The element of area dA  in polar coordinates has edges  r d θ    and   dr .

See the figure below.   So the element of area  dA  in polar coordinates

 is    dA  =  r dr   =  r dr









Example:  Convert the following integral to polar coordinates.  Then evaluate the integral.


                  y = 1          x = √(1 – y2 )

   I   =                             sin ( x2  +  y2 ) dy  dx    

                 y = 0           x = 0



From the upper limit on x:    x2  +  y2  =  1   so in polar coordinates    r  =  1

and the transformation to polar coordinates is     x  =  cos θ   and   y  =  sin θ 


If  y  =  0,  then   θ  =  0  (lower limit)  and      if  y  =  1   θ  =  π / 2    (upper limit)


The integral in polar form becomes:


              θ = π / 2         r = 1

   I   =                          sin (r2 )  rdr        To evaluate this integral let   u  =  r2

                θ = 0            r = 0

                                                                                    θ = π / 2             u = 1

then    du  =  2 r dr  or   r dr  =  (1/2) du   and     I   =                 (1/2) ∫  sin u du   

                                                                                    θ = 0                 u = 0

                        θ = π/2         1

   I  =         (1/2)     - cos u |       =   π [ 1 – cos(1) ] / 4                        (result)

                       θ = 0             0


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