Psychrometric computing
and source code generators


Hanzhong Zhang and R.S. Gates


May 1995


1. A brief introduction

This package contains programs using a psychrometric Turing machine model for computing psychrometric attributes. The Turing machine optimizes the solution for psychrometric computation based on priority level of psychrometric functions. Priority levels (the file "priority.dat") of psychrometric functions in this package are relative CPU running time of the SUN Sparc Station 10 and they can be changed to other priorities such as accuracies if the information is availble. There are two programs, a source code generator and a computing program, in this package.

Provided with desired attributes to be computed and known attributes, the code generator will generate a complete ANSI C codes for the problem, which can be directly compiled into an executable program with an ANSI compiler. Through solution searching and optimizing with the Turing machine, the computing program can take sufficient psychrometric inputs to compute desired outputs. Both programs are menu-driven.

2. Files included:

mk_codes.exe - the source code generator
psyc21.exe - computing program
priority.dat - priority levels of psychrometric functions
fbase_an.dat - data file for the code generator

3. The source code generator

Three files are needed to run the source code generator:
To run the program, type "mk_codes".

4. The psychrometric computing program

Two files are needed to run the program:
To run the program, type "psyc21"

5. The file "psyc21a.exe"

Similar to "psyc21.exe", the file "psyc21a.exe" is self-contained and requires no auxilliary files. It uses the priorities in the distributed copy of file "priority.dat". Simply type "pscy21a" to run the program.
6. Some applications of the PTM
Some pre-compiled examples for simple repetive computations. The naming syntax is: input var1, input var2, '2', output var (e.g. dbrh2wb.exe means use dry bulb temperature and relative humidity to get wet bulb temperature).  An extension of 'exe' means it will run on a pc, and the extension 'c' is source code from mk_codes.exe explained above, self-contained and ready to compile.

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